Silfield Oak Primary Academy Uniform
- Jade Green v-neck sweatshirt/cardigan/Hoodie
- White polo shirt
- Boys – Black trousers or shorts
- Girls – Black skirt, pinafore, trousers or Jade green and white dress in summer
- Black school shoes/black or white socks
- Girls may wear black tights in winter
- Wellies to be kept in school for outdoor learning
Logo uniform can be purchased from Birds of Dereham https://www.birdsofdereham.com/ and non logo items can be purchased from local supermarkets.

PE Kit: Reception
- White plain t-shirt
- Black shorts/jogging bottoms
- Black plimsolls
- Jade green Hoodie
PE Kit: Year 1 to 6
- White plain t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Black jogging bottoms
- Trainers
- Jade green Hoodie
Forest school
- Jade green plain or logo hoodie
- wellies
- waterproofs
- weather dependent clothing ie. gloves and hat

Additional information
- Pupils are not permitted to wear jewellery to school apart from a maximum of one small stud or sleeper in either or each ear.
- Pupils should not attend school wearing makeup or nail varnish.
- No big school bags permitted. Children can bring in a book bag and a small P.E bag if need a change of clothes
Please make sure all clothing and foot wear are clearly marked with pupils’ names.